Baby Likes Looking at Things Upside Down Betwen Legs
The amount of spam on her latest post. She's obviously buying comments now too!
It's becoming clear that she thinks going into hospital to have a baby is like a mini holiday.
Did anyone else have an involuntary eye roll to her saying she would give the rituals sets to the midwives ??? If I say anyone else I would think awh nice gesture but from her I just find it so condescending
Name suggestions...
Sol (sun)
Any of the Irish words for sea, cliffs, beach, west, earth
Did anyone else have an involuntary eye roll to her saying she would give the rituals sets to the midwives ??? If I say anyone else I would think awh nice gesture but from her I just find it so condescending
Well I don't think the midwives will tolerate her bullshit birthing plan so she might not be feeling so generous with her unwanted gift sets for them
Her voice gives me the Ick. Does anyone know of she has a morsel of a sense of humour? She seems like the most driest cunt on the planet.
Well I don't think the midwives will tolerate her bullshit birthing plan so she might not be feeling so generous with her unwanted gift sets for them
Her voice gives me the Ick. Does anyone know of she has a morsel of a sense of humour? She seems like the most driest cunt on the planet.
She's definitely in for a land in hospital Anytime I have seen her attempt humour it just made me cringe. She's more like an android than a human
Never seen her post anything funny/jokey. Even when people post stuff under her pics she gets defensive/argumentative and they have to explain they were joking. She seems to take herself very seriously.
Nova could be another one, but I'm convinced it's a boy
I had a friend who was like her while pregnant and talked about her labour and how she'll have her hair and make up done for the first pictures well she had the shock of her life when she had her first contractions. Her first pictures were real she looked exhausted (like most people do) but she completely underestimated motherhood she's struggled massively since, didn't have that instant bond, couldn't breast feed. She's a wonderful mammy but at the beginning she thought it would be a breeze and getting dressed up to go for a stroll, sitting in her beauty room doing her make up while baby slept. But that's not real life for a lot of women. I'm getting the bang of that off Jo. I think she'll either struggle as she is very selfish with her time etc. A lot of new mammies forget that beautiful baby grows up and its not all sunshine and butterflies. I wouldn't wish anything bad on her but I do hope she's realistic about how her life is about to turn upside down.
I had a friend who was like her while pregnant and talked about her labour and how she'll have her hair and make up done for the first pictures well she had the shock of her life when she had her first contractions. Her first pictures were real she looked exhausted (like most people do) but she completely underestimated motherhood she's struggled massively since, didn't have that instant bond, couldn't breast feed. She's a wonderful mammy but at the beginning she thought it would be a breeze and getting fressrd up to go for a stroll sitting in her beauty room doing her make up while baby slept. But that's not real life for a lot of women. I'm getting the bang of that off Jo. I think she'll either struggle as she is very selfish with her time etc. A lot of new mammies forget that beautiful baby grows up and its not all sunshine and butterflies. I wouldn't wish anything bad on her but I do hope she's realistic about how her life is about to turn upside down.
Fact! I didn't have any notions whatsoever but I had a slight complication with hyper stimulated contractions meaning I had them every minute, putting the babys heart under stress.. it's very painful and utterly traumatising. She strikes me as the type that will gloat about using no pain relief too. We will never get to know the truth about her labour anyway, she will just lie about how wonderful it was
She is going to scream that labour ward down even if she isn't in any pain. She will think it's the done thing and she will do it. She is like a robot, she has no natural emotions, she copies from everyone & anyone she can. I'd hate to be the midwives seeing her coming with her I know it all attitude
She is going to scream that labour ward down even if she isn't in any pain. She will think it's the done thing and she will do it. She is like a robot, she has no natural emotions, she copies from everyone & anyone she can. I'd hate to be the midwives seeing her coming with her I know it all attitude
I've a feeling she'll take a scientology angle and not scream at all.
She'll want a silent birth with no drugs because that's a "real birth" (completely do not agree fwiw, just trying to get inside the mind of Jojo)
What a coincidence. Someone has asked about prams and she's got loads of footage to share
I don't understand why she gives her fake followers such distinctive, unusual names.
Anyone here know a Laura Napes, or a Celina?
Surely Sarah Foley or Fiona Murphy would be better names for her imaginary friends: much harder to prove it's a figment of her over-active imagination if it's a common name.
I know two Celine's. One is about 85 and the other It's a drag name
She is going to scream that labour ward down even if she isn't in any pain. She will think it's the done thing and she will do it. She is like a robot, she has no natural emotions, she copies from everyone & anyone she can. I'd hate to be the midwives seeing her coming with her I know it all attitude
Surprised she is not going to birth 'in nature'
Surprised she is not going to birth 'in nature'
On the cliff side, overlooking the ocean at sunrise..
Surprised she is not going to birth 'in nature'
Like a hippo basking in the West cork waters
Did anyone else have an involuntary eye roll to her saying she would give the rituals sets to the midwives ??? If I say anyone else I would think awh nice gesture but from her I just find it so condescending
Giving away stuff she got for free anyway - isn't she amazing?
you're wrong because she can't have a white saviour complex if she's half-black as she claimed before her brother outed her lies
(I fully reject her appropriation of the darker skin emojis after people of colour fought for their inclusion. Her use demonstrates her racism or total ignorance, which is also racism)
Baby Likes Looking at Things Upside Down Betwen Legs
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